Why is Art Important in our Classrooms?

I’ve come up with 10 reasons, but in reality, the list is endless! I’m a great believer in the positive power of art on our mental well-being. Art is a fantastic vehicle for learning, communicating feelings, and exploring outside-of-the-box thinking.
In this blog post, I’d like to explore why I feel including a good dose of art and creativity can be really beneficial to kids and their new teacher during the first week back to school – and throughout the rest of the year!
I wonder….do kids feel more comfortable or free to express themselves in a deeper way via creating imagery rather than just using words?
Posters are available to download for FREE at the end of this post.
Recently, I asked teachers and homeschoolers on my mailing list,
“Why do you feel art is important in your classroom?”
I loved reading their responses!
Homeschooler, Grades 3 and 5
“Art is important in our homeschool for many reasons. It allows my children a chance to creatively express themselves and to demonstrate what they’ve learned. Often times it helps serve as a visual reminder of specific topics we’ve covered, cultures we’ve explored, etc. My younger son is currently coloring your 2024 Chinese New Year Dragon. He is proudly taking his time and wants to include it in his end of the year evaluation portfolio. (Thank you!)”
Teacher, Grade 3
“Art instruction in school is important because many children learn through art activities in ways they cannot in other subject areas. We all learn in different ways and, for many, those ways are not math, science, or reading. We need to teach the whole child. (Even those who succeed in the “core” subjects benefit from art!)”
Teacher, 6th Grade
“Art is important because it’s a way kids can express themselves! If they struggle with a concept, using art is a great way for them to demonstrate learning.”
“Art is important in the classroom because it is able to help students express themselves in outlets they typically don’t have access to. It gives meaning to words unexpressed and unlocks doors that are difficult to open in other traditional ways.”
Art Teacher, Pre K-8
“I teach Pre K-8 art and I think are is important because it helps us connect to each other and the world in ways that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. It’s a universal language.”
Special Education Teacher
“I think art is important in the classroom for self expression and learning appreciation for a variety of art mediums.”
Teacher, Grade 5
“Art gives students an outlet and a way to express their creativity.”
Homeschooler, Grades 5,8 and 11
“I am a homeschool mom. My kids are currently in 11th, 8th, and 5th. Art is important because it’s a way for us to be creative together.
My youngest son and I recently took a class on collage and made some mini books (he made four, and I made one.) It was so fun, and I can’t wait to make more! It’s also something where my kids can learn new skills and make something they are excited about.
My daughter (17) won an art contest sponsored by our military library last week, and she was so proud of herself. It’s also a chance for community. We attend homeschool art classes at our local library, and participate in a homeschool art show there too – both are so much fun!
10 Reasons Why Art is Important – for kids and adults too!
- make sense of our thoughts
- connect with our feelings
- tell our story, explore our internal world
- encourage play, stimulate our imagination
- relax, quieten our minds, aid concentration
- relieve stress, reduce anxiety
- develop self-awareness
- build confidence and self-esteem
- lower blood pressure
- express complex states of mind
So, let’s imagine it’s Back To School Week….
The class meets up again after the long holiday. Students get to reflect on their summer memories, catch up with their friends, and start to get to know their new teacher.
They explore their learning preferences, where they excel, the challenges they face, and they set new goals for the coming year. And the new teacher starts to build a picture of each child
What a lot is going on!!
How are the children really feeling on their first day back to school?
And how are teachers feeling? A mixture of excitement and apprehension?
We are all unique and can feel happy, sad, scared, anxious, and excited all at the same time.
Excited to see friends again. Sad, or maybe glad that the summer holidays are over. Anxious about building a relationship with a new teacher. Scared that maths might be too challenging this year.
This is where we can introduce icebreaker games, ‘all about me’ activities, student surveys and teacher questionnaires.
Researching ‘Back to School’ activities on the web (mainly pinterest because I love it), I found an abundance of printable pages and activities, teacher surveys and questionnaires.
Most of them involve answering questions with words.
Being a visual, creative type who sees the world in pictures, this information gave me the inspiration to fill what I see, as a gap – to design some relevant, modern, imaginative back to school activities that involve illustrating our answers, exploring color and imagery, alongside expressing ourselves with words.
You can view my popular Back To School art and writing prompt activities here on my website or at my Teachers Pay Teachers store where you can securely purchase these downloads, from anywhere in the world.
Have a great start to the new school year!
All the best,
These are amazing! As an ESL teacher, it is often easier for my students to express themselves through art rather than writing. I was able to support the students’ written portions and they felt so successful! Thank you!
These look awesome!!
The article talks about the benefits of art in classrooms, and highlights that art allows students to express themselves creatively. Art is a great way to develop kids’ imagination which is vital for their development. Imagination helps them explore ideas, solve problems, and make sense of the world around them. In short, art is a powerful tool that can help kids learn and grow.